Fruity Sparkling Water Kefir
Fruit water kefir made with sliced oranges and dried figs
Fruit water kefir - A fermented drink for better health
Fruity water kefir recipe you can easily make at home. Dairy-free and vegan-friendly, this tasty beverage offers beneficial bacteria and yeast. Each kefir grain can hold up to 35 different strains of beneficial bacteria!
Kefir is linked to various health benefits, including improved immunity and digestive health. Furthermore, it offers beneficial bacteria and yeast, and can help eliminate Candida Albican a yeast linked to many physical ailments!
Furthermore, this wonderful beverage has a low glycemic load and no caffeine. All you need are dried fruits, fresh citrus, or other sliced fruits of your choice, spring or filtered water, cane sugar, and kefir grains.
Sparkling, probiotic, fruity water kefir you can easily make at home.
My fruit water kefir in this tutorial was prepared with dried dates, lemons and orange slices. Leave to ferment for 3 days and you have a lovely probiotic drink!
All you need are dried fruits, fresh citrus, spring water, sugar, and kefir grains. Kefir grains are actually from a Mexican cactus.
View my tutorial to see how easy it is to make! To subscribe to my channel, click here.
1 L (4 cups) filtered or spring water
1/4 cup kefir grains
1/8 cup sugar of your choice (white sugar, maple syrup, molasses, etc.)
1 lemon and 1 orange, sliced
2 dried figs or dates (optional)
A 1,5L or 2L glass jar (very clean or sterilized), a clean dish towel or coffee filter, bol and utensils made of wood or plastic, no metal.
Sparkling homemade water kefir
1. In the glass jar, start by dissolving your sugar in the 1L of water.
2. Add your kefir grains and about 3 slices of lemon and oranges, and your dates.
3. Cover your jar with a dishtowel or coffee filter and secure it with an elastic.
4. Store your jar at room temperature, away from sunlight, and let ferment for about 1-2 days. During the fermentation process, a natural white deposit will appear in your drink; it’s normal, the friendly microbes in the kefir grains are multiplicating. When your dried fruits float to the top of your drink, the fermentation process is activated, but you should wait at least 1 more day before straining and drinking your kefir.
5. After 2 or 3 days, when your drink tastes lightly fizzy and a little acidic, remove the fruit with tongs. Place your strainer over a bowl and strain your kefir in order to separate it from the kefir grains.
6. Discard the dried fruits and press your lemon or orange slices into your beverage.
7. Your kefir is now ready to be enjoyed, or placed in the fridge, in an airtight glass jar, to stop the fermenting process. For a more fizzy kefir, store in an airtight bottle for another day or two at room temperature.
Drink your kefir within the next 4-5 days.
Discover my other kefir recipes here!