How To Make Miso Onions and Garlic Cloves
Toasts with macadamia ricotta topped with Miso garlic cloves and onions with fresh basil leaves
How To Make Miso Onions and Garlic Cloves
Delicious fermented miso onions and garlic, vegan, gluten-free, probiotic, and super easy to prepare! The end result is a nice dark amber color and a mouth watering layered, salty taste.
Fermented onions and garlic cloves contain more nutrients and are more easily digested than their unfermented counterparts. When you combine a nutrient rich salad with fermented foods, your body absorbs and assimilates them more efficiently.
Miso is a complete protein, and a good source of B vitamins, especially B12! This fermented soybean paste also restores beneficial probiotics to the intestines. Adding miso to your diet, will assist in the chelation of heavy metals and discharge them from your body.
As you will see, this recipe is super easy, and patience will be your best ally, because the fermentation process takes about 4 weeks! Ferment for at least 3-4 weeks, because a longer fermentation will yield a more mild flavor of the onion and garlic. These probiotic condiments are rich in live enzymes, B vitamins, and protein.
Miso, is a thick fermented paste made with beans. It’s antioxidant and phytonutrient rich, and a great immune system strengthener. If you want to strengthen your immune system, eating fermented foods is the way to go.
Vegan kale Ceasar salad with Miso onions and cloves served with coconut bacon chips
2 red or yellow onions, sliced lengthwise, or from root to stem
12 garlic cloves, boiled in hot water 1 or 2 minutes max.
6 tbsp Miso paste of your choice, and more for topping the two glass jars.
Vegan Ceasar salad prepared with slow roasted tomatoes and Miso onions
Separate your garlic cloves and onions in 2 separate bowls.
Add 3 tablespoons of Miso in each bowl. Massage in Miso, and let sit for 20 minutes.
Spoon miso onions into a 1-quart glass jar, and the garlic bulbs in a separate jar.
Compress the onions and the garlic at the bottom of the jars and top with an extra Miso layer to cover them completely.
Close the jars (airtight) and let ferment at room temperature, in the shade, for about 4 weeks.
At the end of the fermentation, store the jars in the fridge. When using your condiments, simply wipe and rinse the Miso off, and serve.
Miso onions and garlics cloves can be served with salads, inside spring rolls, or to add extra flavour in vegan stews.
Your Miso condiments will keep in the fridge in an airtight container for about 1 month.
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